Siu Lang Shui Butterfly Habitat
About the Project
During 2016-2020, the number of overwintering Danainae in Siu Lang Shui Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) had declined. To conserve the overwintering Danainae more effectively and increase the number of Danainae in Siu Lang Shui SSSI, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) planned to utilize the middle and western platforms of the Restored Siu Lang Shui Landfill as a butterfly habitat and commissioned the Environmental Association to proceed with a conservation programme. Its purpose is to increase the butterfly living habitat area so as to attract more local and overwintering butterfly species and increase the biodiversity of the area.
Restored Siu Lang Shui Landfill
Siu Lang Shui Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a lowland area which is located at Northwest New Territories, beside Castle Peak. The SSSI used to be a landfill during the 1970s. It was closed and later restored in the 1990s. Taiwan Acacia (Acacia confusa), Ear-leaved Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis), Cadaga (Corymbia torelliana), Brisbane Box (Lophostemon confertus) and other tree species were planted at the site. The first sighting of Danainae overwintering in Siu Lang Shui SSSI was recorded in 1999. Since then, Danainae in aggregation overwintering at Siu Lang Shui SSSI has been reported every year, each time lasting for about 2 to 3 months. According to research, 32,000 to 45,000 butterflies were recorded during the winters from 2002 to 2003 in Siu Lang Shui SSSI.